Completing sentence shortcut rules.
Some vital structures for finishing sentences .which you can be needed in the exam. Given below shortcut rules or structure:
1. Structure : If+ clause ( Present indefinite tense) +
Clause ( Future indefinite tense).
a. If it rains , I shall not got
2. Structure : If+ clause ( pastIndefinite tense) + clause ( past conditional = sub+ would/ could/might+ (not + v1+) Extensions..
a. If you observed exhausting, you’d pass within the test.
b. we would facilitate them,if they needed.
3. Structure : were / had +s +
extension +past conditional.
a. Were I an expensive man, I may facilitate the
b. Had I tons of cash, i might establish a collage.
4. Structure :if + ( past perfect ) + clause ( perfect conditional = sub+ would/ might/could( not ) + have v3 +extension.
a. If you had declared earlier, you’d have caught the train.
b. If she had tried once
5. Structure : Had+ Sub+ v3+ extension + excellent conditional.
a. Had she tried once more, she may need succeeded.
b. Had I been made, I might have helped the poor villagers.
4. Structure :if + ( past perfect ) + clause ( perfect conditional = sub+ would/ might/could( not ) + have v3 +extension.
a. If you had declared earlier, you’d have caught the train.
b. If she had tried once more, she may need to be succeeded.
5. Structure : Had+ Sub+ v3+ extension + excellent conditional.
Had she tried once more, she may need college.
b. Had I been made, I might have helped the poor villagers.
6. Structure : No sooner had+ sub+v3+ obj+ than+ past indefinite.
No sooner had….than
a. No sooner had the teacher entered the category area, than the scholars stood up.
b. Hardly had the teacher entered the room, when the scholars stood up.
c. Scarcely had the teacher entered the category area, when the scholars stood up.
7. Structure : Sub+ verb+…..Lest+ sub+ ought to / might+ v1+ extension….
a. Exerting lest, you would/ may fail.
b. He studied exhausting lest, he ought to fail within the examination.
It is time
8. Structure: it’s time + to + v1+ extension ….
a. It’s time to play.
b. It’s time to review.
10. Structure: it’s time +for+ personal object+ to v1+ extension …
a. It’s time for them to play.
b. It’s time for U.S.A. to figure along.
11. Structure: it’s high time/ it’s time + sub+ v2+ extension ….
a. It’s time we tend to visited faculty .
b. It’s time they gave up smoking.
12. Structure: Clause ( perfect tense) + before+ clause ( past indefinite tense)
a. The scholars had reached the school before the bell rang.
13. Structure: Clause ( past indefinite tense) + after+ clause ( perfect tense tense)
a. The doctor came when the patient had died.
b. The scholars reached the school when the bell had rung.
Perfect tense tense in dependent clause.
14. Structure: Clause ( future indefinite) + once /after+ clause ( Present perfect)
The time once
15. Structure: Sub+ verb+ the time + clause.
a. 1971 is that the year once Bangladesh became freelance.
b. Week day is that the day once the week begins.
16. Structure: sub+ verb+ adjective/adv + to +v1+ extension …
a. The boy is simply too short to touch the roof.
b. The lady is simply too weak to figure.
17. Structure: Sub+ verb+ too+ adjective/adv+….for + personal object +to +v1.
a. The verse form is simply too troublesome on behalf of me to know.
b. The load is simply too significant for him to hold.
18. Structure: S+ v+ therefore + adj +that + s+ cannot/could not + v1+object.
a. he’s therefore weak that the cannot do the work.
therefore that/in
order that
19. Structure: S+ verb+ so as +s+
can/may+or, could/might+v1+…
a. we tend to cat in
order that we tend to could live.
b. browse with attention in order that you will pass.
20. Structure: Though/Although+ clause+ clause.
a. Though he’s poor, he’s honest.
Till-/ till
20 . Structure: (sub) +verb+……till/until +s+v+….)
a. Wait here till I return.
b. we tend to waited for him till he came back.
As long as
21. Structure: ( sub)+ verb+… on as + s+v+…
a. Wait here as long because it rains.
a. The person worked as long as he may
Since/as /Because
22. Structure : as/since/Because of + phrase+ clause.
a. As /since you probably did not study well, You unsuccessful within the examination
b. Everyone respects him as a result of he’s honest.
At last, we see stay that various rules or structures for completing a sentence in English grammar books. But I will be explained important rules or structure. So you can solve the problem in completing sen