10 Benefits of kalzira | Fennel flower
10 Benefits of kalzira | Fennel flower :
The blacks are known to all of us. Blackjars/Fennel flower is a medium-sized seasonal tree. This plant once had flowers and fruit. The English name of Kalojira/Fennel flower is a Fennel flower. Its scientific name is Nigella Sativa Linn. The wife of this tree, the male is two types of flowers. Usually blue is white (varieties especially yellow).
Blackjira/Fennel flower is a very familiar name. The amazing power that the Creator has put out of small black grains is truly astonishing.
From time immemorial, blacks have been used as an antidote to and prevent many diseases of the human body. Given below 10 benefits:
1. Headache
Massage the kalzira/Fennel flower oil 3/4 times daily on both the cheeks and the back of the ear with the headache. Drink 1 teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach for 3 days. For a general headache, use a combination of garlic oil, sesame oil and kaljira oil on the head.
2. Haircut
All the skulls are well rubbed with lemon. After 5 minutes wash with shampoo and wipe the head thoroughly. Then, after drying the hair thoroughly, massage the kaljira oil into the skull. The hair will be closed that week. Pudina Rake can be made with kaljira oil for headache. In this case, the mint tincture can be mixed together with garlic oil, sesame oil, olive oil and kaljira oil.
3. Cough and asthma
Kalojiratel massage on the chest and back. In this case, it can be mixed with other massages beneficial to asthma. Internal application of traditional homeopathic medicines.
4. Kidney problems
kidney stones and bladder are 250 grams of blackberries and the equivalent of pure honey. It is best to mix black tea with honey and mix it with two teaspoons of half cup hot water and drink half a cup of oil daily. Take kelojira tincture 3/4 times a day with honey 15 times a day. Occasionally barbarism originals arc or in combination with other homeopathic or biochemical drugs if indicated.
5. Indigestion
If you have regular stomach upset, the blazers are powdered with a small amount of veggies and mixed with 7-8 teaspoons of milk at a rate of 500 mg. In addition to diarrhea Celine and homeo medicines, 1cups yogurt and one teaspoon of kaljiro oil are administered twice a day. Its original arc is also testable.
6. High blood
pressure whenever you drink hot drinks or tea in high blood pressure, the blacks will join in some way. When eating hot food or rice, eat kilojarra rice. He took garlic oil with both methods. Massage garlic and kaljira oil all over the body. Mix blackberries, neem, and garlic oil together and use on the head. In the case of older patients, the same can be done in the case of older patients at 2/3 days.
7. Gynecology
Delivery and embryo conservation Blackjee bees and honey are consumed 4 times daily.
8. Nervous tension
Nervous excitement erupts in the blackness of coffee with coffee.
9. Beauty enhancement
Flexibility and beauty of the face Olive oil and black pepper mixed with oil and washed with soap after 1 hour.
10. Problems in the eyes
Before you go to sleep at night, massage the kaljira oil on both sides and eyebrows and apply blackjira oil for a month with carrot juice. Eating regular carrots and serving blackberries will benefit from tincture and oil massage. Consuming homo and biochemical drugs as directed.
I would like to say, there are many benefits to bee flower / kaljira. I have highlighted the three main benefits.